Friday, April 12, 2013


If you want to change your life style, be healthier, loose weight or start an exercise regime who is holding you? It's you vs you. But I do understand how hard it is to take that first step.. I know how hard is when you want to change but don't know how.. I should say when it comes to loose weight it is not easy to start but once you start it is really a great journey. Shaping your body and looking at the mirror and seeing the result is absolutely priceless.

Here is some ideas
1) Find a motivation
My reason is I am going to Turkey to see my family and friends

2) Set short term goals to reach so you can gradually reach the higher goals
I have one month until my Turkey trip so a month for me was my short term period

3) Set realistic goals
Can't expect loosing 50 lbs in a month but 8/10 lbs can

4)Be prepared
The good food should be available when you need it so you won't starve middle of the afternoon
That is why I prepared my entire weekly food from last Sunday and put them in a container, ready to eat.

5) Water! Water!
Our Muscles are made of up of approximately %75 water
Especially first thing when I wake up, I drink 2 glass of water on empty stomach and during the day

6) Do your exercises
You can not have the perfect body that you dream of by doing endless cardios. So Lift weights and do high intensity training.
I do regular cardio and started crossfit with my friend Naomi. She make me accountable and I make her..

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